
All services can be delivered face to face (Ireland/UK) or online (internationally). 

Well Work 360 offers a comprehensive suite of services tailored for organisations—including leadership, HR, managers, & employees. Unlike many health & well-being providers who focus on secondary interventions (teaching employees coping strategies) & tertiary interventions (treating ill employees/EAPs), our approach prioritises primary interventions. We strategically address the root cause of well-being challenges, enabling you to retain a healthier & more engaged workforce.

Well Work 360 Indicator Tool©

A new way to measure, manage & maxmise your approach to workplace health & wellbeing. Combines evidence based measures, employee feedback & expert recommendations to elevate or kickstart your wellbeing strategy or programme. Click here for more information.

Workplace Wellbeing Strategy

Develop bespoke wellbeing strategies, policies & programmes to meet your needs. All are evidence based & combine employee feedback, national & international frameworks, academic research & industry trends.

Manager & Leadership Training

Support your manager’s & leaders by developing health oriented leadership so that they can minimise stress, create healthy cultures & feel confident looking after their employee’s wellbeing needs. Click below for more details.

  • - Lead Well© and Manage Well© training programmes. These are completely customised based on your organisation’s results of the Well Work 360 Indicator Tool© so that leaders & managers receive personalised workplace health & wellbeing training.

    - ‘Work Related Stress: A Strategic Approach for Managers and Leaders’©. This 1 day course has been created in collaboration with CFI-Training & is based on principles from the HSE UK, Workpositive Ireland & the WHO. Click here for course outline.

    - Manage Your Team’s Wellbeing for a Successful Busy Season. Provides practical, evidence based tools to effectively navigate the challenges of busy season for both you & your team. Click here for course outline.

    - Health Oriented Leadership. Understand the fundamentals of health oriented leadership & how to apply it in your workplace.

    - Managing Your Hybrid Team. Understand the benefits/risks associated with hybrid working & learn how to manage yourself & your team more effectively.

    - Designing an Effective Wellbeing Strategy. Learn about the key elements of building a workplace wellbeing strategy as well as ways to maximise the effectiveness in terms of return on investment (ROI) & value on investment (VOI).

    - Understanding the Fundamentals of Building a Culture of Health. Learn about the fundamentals of building a culture of health in your organisation & how to put it into practice.

    - Leading Change: Addressing Mental Health Stigma in Your Team or Organisation. Raises awareness about the promoting a mindset of positive mental health in the workplace & how to reduce the stigma around it.

Talks, Workshops & Guest Speaker

Offers a wide range of talks &  workshops that are designed to proactively improve employee mental health & wellbeing. Click below to check out the wide range of topics that can be discussed.

  • -Enhancing your health and wellbeing at work: Raises awareness & equips employees with practical tools to master four key elements of of workplace wellbeing: managing the key pillars of personal health (mental/physical/social), optimising the work you do, fostering a positive team dynamic & contributing to a supportive organisational culture.

    -Prioritise Your Wellbeing for a Successful Busy Season: Learn practical, evidence based tools to build resilience and navigate the challenges of busy season. Click here for course outline.

    - Mastering Work-Related Stress: Equips employees with the awareness & practical skills to be able to minimise stress including sources of work-related stress, symptoms, ways to practically manage it & boost resilience.

    - Energy Management - The Key to Work-Life Balance: Guides employees in achieving a healthier work-life balance by effectively managing their energy. Covering topics like identifying energy drainers, practical ways to boost your energy during the workday & how to switch off from work.

    - Designing a Healthier Workday: Empowers employees with practical tools so they can design a healthier workday, covering topics such as stress management, time management, communication & microbreaks.

    - Well Work Workshop©: Customised talks or workshops based on your organisation’s results of the Well Work 360 Indicator Tool ©. Ensures that material is catered specifically to employee needs.

    - Student Wellbeing: Provides students with practical tools to manage their wellbeing, minimise stress, maintain balance & cultivate a positive mindset as they study for their exams.

Workplace Wellbeing Co-Ordinator

Combines all services to act as an outsourced workplace wellbeing co-ordinator for your organisation. Works seemlessly with HR/C-Suite functions to empower healthier & more engaged employees. Click below for details.

  • - Assess your current health & wellbeing status using the Well Work 360 Indicator Tool©.

    - Design & implement a completely customised strategy, action plan & activity programme using the results of the Indicator Tool.

    - Provide bespoke Lead Well© & Manage Well© training to leaders & managers so that they can create healthy cultures.

    - Provide bespoke Well Work Workshop© to all employees so that they receive the tools they need to thrive.

    - Provide wellbeing champion training.

    - Organise wellbeing activities, team days & challenges.

    - Circulate monthly workplace wellbeing newsletters.

Team Building Programmes

Develops teams or departments so that they can become healthier, more connected & work better together. A completely customised programme will be developed around your teams goals. Click below for more details.

  • - Assess teams current health & wellbeing status using the Well Work 360 Indicator Tool & 1:1 interviews.

    - Provide Manage Well© training programme to empower managers to create a healthier culture.

    - Provide Well Work Workshop© to all employees so that they have the awareness & tools to be well at work including constructive communication, emotional intelligence & conflict management.

    - Organise team building activities to ensure the team is more connected.

    - 1:1 sessions with team members if required.

Client Feedback

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